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Get System information from command line using Systeminfo command

We can find system information of a computer from windows command line using the command Systeminfo. This command shows the following details.

Computer name, OS version, OS configuration, OS type, Install Date, System uptime data, BIOS version, Available physical memory, Processor model, Hotfixes installed, Network cards information, Domain name of the computer, System Locale, Time Zone and many other details.

Since systeminfo shows us lots of information, if we want to get any particular information we can use findstr command to filter out unwanted details. See some examples below.

To get system’s physical memory information from windows command line:

systeminfo | findstr /C:”Total Physical Memory”

To get System type from windows command line:

systeminfo | findstr /C:”System type”

To find System locale from windows command line:

systeminfo | findstr /C:”System Locale”

To find system manufacturer from windows command line:

systeminfo | findstr /C:”System Manufacturer”

To find OS install date from windows command line:

systeminfo | findstr /C:”Install Date”

3 comments… add one

    Good One Srini..

  • Ravi Raviskanthan

    Thanks. Getting more information is useful. The following gives, RAM, OS and CPU
    systeminfo /s srv01 | findstr /C:’Total Physical Memory’ /c:’OS Name:’ /C:’Processor(s):’
    Hope some one finds it useful

    • Sanjaygar V Gunsai

      Ravi Raviskanthan,

      Thanks for your comment. Your information helpful me & Save my time by 80%.

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