Windows restricts privileged commands to be executed only from elevated administrator command prompt. Even if you are an administrator on the PC, you may run into the error ‘System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied’.
C:\>net user techblogger /add System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied.
To fix the issue, open elevated command prompt and run the same command.
How to open elevated administrator command prompt
Now the command would run fine.
C:\Windows\system32>net user techblogger /add The command completed successfully. C:\Windows\system32>
There could be other cases where one runs into this error. If you have got this error, let us know what was the instance and how you could fix it.
But how can you do this with a batch file?
i dont remember the admin password and i tried to access it from the guest account ……… user administrator …..and it says system error 5 occured what should i do
On win 7 (and others), this needs to be run under a elevated privs command prompt. You could right click and Run as administrator or open a command prompt in this way (run as..)
Sometimes, even if you run it as admin, Windows will still prompt you with the error. You might need to log-in as admin or edit your account to have administrative privilege.
Solution 1. Log-in as Administrator
I can not run cmd as admin because the administrator account appears and requires me its password.
Guys! Even though I tried using that command in the command prompt of administrative privilege still its saying system error 5
Am also facing issue in windows 10; any resolution you got even after running with privileged admin prompt
how can i get the admins password
It has no password, you only type net user Administrator /active:yes and its done
I am trying to create a mapped drive on Windows 10 using following command
mkdir “D:\ABC\
Net Share ABC=D:\ABC /GRANT:Everyone,Full
net use M: \\%ComputerName%\ABC
I get : System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied
My CMD is already in elevated mode as suggested by you. But when I launch CMD in normal mode the drive gets created and mapped properly.
Facing this issue only on Windows 10 with CMD running as administrator
Please help.
me too , mine requires a username and password
i need to stop windows updates service wuauserv and i keep getting access denied even with the elevated cmd any suggestions ????
it doesnt work
What was the command you were trying to run?
Hi SRINI, you forget first to run CMD Command prompt as Administrator,
Start>All Programes>Accessories> then Right-Click on Command Prompt> Run as administrator.
whenever i use the run as admin it gives me the fricking password
SRINI, Thank you so much :)
I have installed tacacs server in win10 .
When tried to start service using powershell as below:
net start
getting below error:
net : System error 5 has occurred.
At line:1 char:1
+ net start
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (System error 5 has occurred.:String) [], RemoteException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError
Access is denied.
still cannot work, im on win 7: net user administrator /active:yes
Windows 10 fix for this error.
Right click on the Task bar along the bottom and open Task Manager
Click File, Run new task
Type powershell and tick the box for Admin privs
Run the command in the powershell window.
I can’t access Task master, any ideas on what to do? I also can’t run as administrator bc I don’t know the password
I was already in elevated command prompt. I was trying to create a mapped network drive but I get access denied in my computer screen.
Thank you so much. The path you guided solved my issue.